Happy First Day of Summer!

Here in Toronto, it is the PERFECT first day of summer. A gorgeous bluebird day! It’s also a great time to try some new summer activities!

A few weekends ago, I had an amazing weekend on the water at Sunnyside Beach learning yoga on a SUP!

Stand Up Paddleboading (SUP) is becoming my new favourite thing to do! I’ve always been a water person…just something about the water and the outdoors that just makes me feel at peace.

photo courtesy of oshaosha.ca (I’m in the centre there. Please disregard my poor form)

This little company (Osha Paddle Boarding and Yoga) works out of Budapest Park in Toronto (just a little ways down from Sunnyside). Check them out! I had a great experience. I’m a total yoga noob, but the group was great, the instructor was great, and I can’t wait to do it again!