May Update

So, it’s gonna be May! (bonus points for who gets that throwback).

2016, so far has been an interesting one! I had made some big decisions in 2015, and was uncertain about what direction life would take me. I try never to have regrets and accept the road I have to travel. So far, it seems I will have more decisions to make in the upcoming months, but I’m going to take the spring and summer to just go with the flow,  and hopefully the best answer will present itself.

So what has Dr. Jen been up to?  I have been very fortunate to be asked by Sportside Medical Services to help out at some of their events. Here are some highlights:

Working  back stage and ringside at pro-wrestling events (photos by

Meeting Kurt Angle! (He’s super nice, guys!)13010634_10154162154659445_2438925943918419810_n

Watching rhythmic gymnasts contort and flex in ways I can only dream of, at the Salut Cup International Competition.

Here’s hoping to a just as eventful summer!